Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 17, Issue 2,2019
Online ISSN: 1459-0263

Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019
Journal Contents

Pg.No Article Title:

Evaluation of quality and antioxidant potential of four commercial black tea brands in India

Anju V. Jalaj

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Method optimization and performance characteristics for the determination of twelve veterinary drugs in food of animal origin using modified QuEChERS and LC-MS/MS QTRAP detection

Mahmoud Abd Elkhabeer 1, 4*, Gouda A. Ramadan Gouda 1, 2, Lamia Ryad 2, Najat Alabdulmalik 1, Eglal R. Souaya 3

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Formulating strategy for improving productivity and quality local soybean using soft system methodology: case study in Banten Province

Kardiyono 1*, Marimin 2, Nastiti Siswi Indrasti 2, Indah Yuliasih 2, Gatot Pramuhadi 3

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Factors that affect the performance of apple cultivation farms - an Albanian case study

 Remzi Keco 1*, Gentjan Mehmeti 1, Shpresim Domi 2, Ilir Kapaj 1

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Analysis of acerola leaves using RGB image processing and clustering

Pedro Bastos Costa 1*, Felipe de Oliveira Baldner 2, Juliana Freitas Santos Gomes 3, Fabiana Rodrigues Leta 2

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The impact of a microfinance program via self-help group on household income: A case study in Aurangabad, Maharashtra state, India

Abhay Joshi, Masanobu Kimura *

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Wood and wood products import forecast and trend analysis during 1989 – 2016 in India

 V. K. Upadhyay 1, Rajiv Pandey 2, Pradeep K. Kushwaha 1, Narasimha Murthy 1

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