Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 1, Issue 1,2003
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003

Pg.No Article Title:

Do we need quality assurance and quality control of analytical measurements in R&D laboratories?

Irene Mueller-Harvey

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Consumer confidence and UK food retailing: Why does local food matter?

Phil Lyon 1*, Anne Colquhoun 2, Hille Janhonen-Abruquah 3

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Molecular approach to citrus flavonoid and limonoid biosynthesis

Takaya Moriguchi 1*, Masayuki Kita 1, Shin Hasegawa 2, Mitsuo Omura 3

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Insulin resistance, diet and cardiovascular disease: A review

Rebecca L. Jones

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Consumer attitudes to high pressure food processing

Peter Butz 1*, Eric C. Needs 4, Alain Baron 2, Otto Bayer 1, Bärbel Geisel 1, Bharat Gupta 3, Ulrich Oltersdorf 1, Bernhard Tauscher 1

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Effect of ripening stage and storage temperature on postharvest quality of pepino (Solanum muricatum Ait.)

Heru Prono-Widayat 1, Monika Schreiner 2, Susanne Huyskens-Keil 1*, Peter Lüdders 3

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GM food: The risk-assessment of immune hypersensitivity reactions covers more than allergenicity

Alexander G. Haslberger

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Diagnosis and correction of iron chlorosis in fruit trees: A review

Maribela Pestana 1*, Amarilis de Varennes 2, Eugénio Araújo Faria 1

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New approaches to Prunus tree crop breeding

Pedro Martínez-Gómez 1, Gabriel O. Sozzi 2*, Raquel Sánchez-Pérez 1, Manuel Rubio 1, Thomas M. Gradziel 3

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Dry pea production and breeding – A mini-review

Kevin McPhee

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Role of grafting in horticultural plants under stress conditions

Rosa M. Rivero, Juan M. Ruiz, Luis Romero *

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New crops: an alternative for the development of horticulture

Jaume Prohens, Adrián Rodríguez-Burruezo,Fernando Nuez *

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Hydroponics: A modern technology supporting the application of integrated crop management in greenhouse

Dimitrios Savvas

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Genetic regulation of ethylene perception and signal transduction related to flower senescence

Renate Müller 1*,Bjarne M. Stummann 2

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Managing Armillaria root rot

Roland T. V. Fox

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Traceability in agriculture and food supply chain: A review of basic concepts, technological implications and future prospects

Linus U. Opara

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Characterization of different substrates for possible use as casing in mushroom cultivation

Arturo Pardo 1, J. Arturo de Juan 2, J. Emilio Pardo 2*

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The use of RAPD markers for strawberry identification and genetic diversity studies

Jadwiga I. Żebrowska 1, Miroslaw Tyrka 2*

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Integrated water management for the 21st century: Problems and Solutions

Herman Bouwer

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Fisheries development issues and their impacts on the livelihoods of fishing communities in West-Africa: An overview

Christophe Béné 1, Arthur E. Neiland 2

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Rough terrain: forest management and its discontents, 1891-2001

Char Miller

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Estimating visual perception of rural landscapes using GIS: the influence of vegetation. The case of Esla Valley (Spain)

Julio Hernández *, Lorenzo García, Julia Morán, Andrés Juan, Francisco Ayuga

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Conserving wild bees for crop pollination

Dave Goulson

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Agriculture and the environment in free trade agreements

Dale Colyer

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