Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
E-waste good or bad in India: sustainable future - Opportunies and challenges
K.R. Don, Singanamala SowjnayaRecieved Date: 2023-01-10, Accepted Date: 2023-03-25
Abstract:The use of electronic devices, machinery for work, communication, and increased business operations are all improved by advances in science and technology. In addition to the effects of using electronic equipment, there is also electronic trash (or e- waste) that occurs from not recycling and a lack of disposable processes. It has an impact on people’s way of life, health, and the environment’s ecosystem and natural resources. The world’s most difficult problem at that point was e-waste. The article discusses the pros and downsides of e-waste, factors of managing e-waste for a sustainable future, problems and opportunities in setting up e-waste management, and some innovative ideas for managing e-waste in India. Further, in order to establish a less-carbon, circular frugality, the article emphasizes critical necessity for stakeholders to be aware of consumer behaviour, global obstacles, and opportunities in this area. The paper concludes by emphasizing the value of a general legal work frame, and licenses, for a makeover of an unorganized area, which directly targets the technologies, the duties of many stakeholders, and entrepreneurial prospects to improve the formal capacity. The article fully supports e-waste recycling chains that are transparent, accountable, and traceable in order to foster a more environmentally friendly atmosphere and safeguard our planet and its natural resources for future generations.
health hazards, future sustainability, stakeholders, e-waste managementJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 133-137
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