Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Application of game theory in food and agricultural sciences
Abhijit Bora
Recieved Date: 2023-01-02, Accepted Date: 2023-03-26
Abstract:Game theory is a mathematical tool used to analyse strategic decision making and can be useful in understanding the behaviour of individuals and organizations within different situations. The paper discusses specific examples of how game theory has been used to study issues such as pricing and production in the agriculture industry, as well as the use of game theory in policy analysis related to food security and resource allocation. Overall, the paper highlights the potential for game theory to provide valuable insights into the complex interactions within the food and agriculture sectors. The paper also discusses various case studies and examples of game theory being used in agriculture, and concludes with the potential benefits and limitations of this approaches.
Keywords:Game theory,
strategic decision making, behaviour of individuals and organizations, pricing and production in the agriculture, food security and resource allocatioJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 75-78
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