Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Android mobile application for heart abnormality disease detection through human iris


Pradip Mukundrao Paithane, Sarita Jibhau Wagh , S. N. Kakarwal

Recieved Date: 2023-01-06, Accepted Date: 2023-03-20


The top cause of death for both men and women worldwide is heart disease. The study of iridology teaches both experts and laypeople how to recognize clues in the iris of the eye that can point to physical deformities and other problems. Iridology is one of the early methods for determining an organ’s status. This study suggests a novel model for iris-based cardiac disease detection that draws on earlier findings. It goes through numerous stages to accomplish that, including pre-processing, segmentation, and classification. The fundamental contribution of the work is the comparison of various methods for diagnosing heart illness using the iris, as well as the creation of an android application that can select an image and perform segmentation and sobel edge detection on it.


Heart,  iridology, Sobel edge, thresholding, android app, feature extraction

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 45-50

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