Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Study of seed-borne fungi of Vigna sinensis during storage
Deepti Sharma
Recieved Date: 2022-09-10, Accepted Date: 2022-12-22
Abstract:The present investigation was undertaken to find out the seed borne fungi associated with the seeds of Vigna sinensis during storage. The stored seeds of Vigna sinensis has been selected for conducting the experiment as seeds of this crop are edible, providing high content of protein, minerals, fibers and low content of fats in addition to sufficient quantity of calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, phosphorus essential in daily human diet. It is well established fact that the seeds are invaded by the fungi during storage. The effect of storage fungi on the cowpea seeds resulted in suppression in their germination. These fungi afflict seed deterioration which are reflected by various physiological, biochemical and cytological changes in seeds. Seed borne storage fungi though saprophytic in nature, affect biochemical disorder and pathological symptoms in the seedlings of crop plants. Healthy seeds procured from freshly harvested crops were collected in sterilized polyethene bags. The collected samples were stored up to 18 months in small earthen pots, gunny bags and metal container. The seeds were taken out from different storage containers periodically at an interval of three months and the percentage frequency of fungi isolated from the seeds of Vigna sinensis was made by blotter and agar plate methods. The fungi associated with these seeds were Alternaria alternate, Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, A. terreus, Curvularia lunata, Drechslera australiensis, Fusarium oxysporum, Macrophomin phaseoli, Penicillium citrinum, Rhizopus nigricans and sterile hyphae. Seed moisture was maximum in the rainy season followed by a gradual decrease during longer storage. A gradual decrease in field fungi with simultaneous increase in storage fungi accompanied by a reduction in germinability occurred in all seeds as storage proceeded.
Keywords:Vigna sinensis seeds,
storage fungi, isolate, seed germination, moisture percentJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 58-62
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