Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
The land recovery for the flood-impacted clove-plantation in the community economic and psychosocial perspectives in Tolitoli, Indonesia
Mahfudz 1,
Adam Malik 2, Muhammad Basir-Cyio 1*, Alam Anshary 1, Ramlan 1, Muhammad Nur Ali 3, Golar 2, Rustam Abdul Rauf 4, Rahmat Bakri 5, Betty 6, Sytty Mazian Mazlan 7, Muhammad Rizal Razman 7, Kadir Arifin 8Recieved Date: 2018-01-08, Accepted Date: 2018-03-25
Abstract:The change in land use patterns in Tolitoli to the clove monoculture plantation can increase the income of the farmers. However, the monoculture pattern and flood disasters which resulted in uncontrolled erosions and landslides. The objective of this study was to analyze the level of soil fertility and the land recovery efforts on the clove plantation. Analytical survey integrated the secondary and primary data which were quantitative and qualitative in the analysis. There were 360 farmers as the respondents. The variables of research were soil fertility, knowledge on forest area, psychosocial disorders, farmers’ incomes and losses resulted from floods. Soil fertility was in the low-moderate category with organic material contents. Flood classification showed the danger category which was characterized by high rainfall ranging 3400-3600 mm and with a steep slope level on the clove plantation area. The direct impact of the floods was the damaged clove plantation area for 131 ha which also resulted in a loss of Rp 5,030,262,000. This condition also resulted in psychosocial disorders as they lost some of family members and property due to the floods which became the causes of the high anxiety (38.06%) and phobia (25.28%) suffered by the respondents. The recovery effort made on the plantation area in order to minimize the impact of floods was through conducting the terrace method. The land recovery through the terrace method should be strengthened through the law enforcement to prevent forestland encroachment in order to prevent changes in the ecological function to economic function.
Keywords:Monoculture plant,
soil fertility, knowledge on forest area, farmers’ loss of economy, psychosocial disorder, land recoveryJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2018
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 180-187
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