Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
The potential of heritage tourism in Bandar Hilir Melaka based on SWOT analysis
Siti Salina binti Masdey 1,
Zuliskandar Ramli 1*, Mohd Syukri Yeoh Abdullah, Nuratikah Abu Bakar 1, Nurul Noorain Ahkemal Ismail 1, Nur Sarahah Mohd Supian 1, Wan Noor Shamimi Wan Azhar 1, Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir 1, Muhammad Rizal Razman 2Recieved Date: 2018-01-28, Accepted Date: 2018-03-24
Abstract:This article discusses the potential of development in Bandar Hilir, Melaka, in terms of heritage tourism associated with historical and archeological sites located in Bandar Hilir, Melaka. The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis methods have been used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges (or threats) to turn the study area into a legacy of heritage and archeological tourism. Based on the findings of the SWOT analysis, Bandar Hilir has the strength of having a unique historic heritage. In terms of weaknesses, some inherited elements are well maintained and there are improvements made that have eliminated the identity of the heritage. In addition, Bandar Hilir’s location in the city has caused the area to experience traffic congestion. In terms of opportunities, the authorities have made various efforts to increase the arrival of tourists to the area. In addition, Bandar Hilir has the opportunity to further develop as a heritage and archaeological site, as most heritage elements can attract tourists. However, in terms of threats, the construction of shopping malls, entertainment centers, hotels and other business premises have cost the identity of the heritage sites found in the study area. Then, the findings derived from quantitative methods (in terms of strengths) deduced that most respondents stated the main attraction of Bandar Hilir lies in its historical backdrop and the remains of the monuments found in the area. In terms of weakness, the majority of respondents said that rapid urban development has affected the heritage development efforts in Bandar Hilir. Whereas, in terms of opportunities, most respondents agreed that Bandar Hilir has the potential to be a heritage-based tourism area. While in terms of threats, the majority of respondents claimed that the major challenge in making Hilir City as an archeo-tourism site is the rapid process of turning Bandar Hilir into an archaeo-tourism site requires a great space.
Keywords:SWOT analysis,
historical heritage, archeology, heritage tourism, quantitative methodsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2018
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 175-179
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