Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Acceptability of carrageenan based gelling agents in the production of fruit jams
Dani Dordevic *,
Marie Bartlova, Simona Jancikova, Jana Capikova, Bohuslava TremlovaRecieved Date: 2018-01-07, Accepted Date: 2018-03-30
Abstract:The aim of the research was to evaluate an acceptability of fruit jams produced with κ-carrageenan and ι-carrageenan, based on their antioxidant content, texture and sensory parameters. Apricot (Prunus magnapavliciana) and cherry (Prunus avium) fruits were used for jam production. The laboratory production of fruit jams included: fruits washing, rinsing and destoning; mixing and cooking; sugar and gelling agent addition. Beside jam samples were produced without gelling agent, there were produced samples with pectin, κ−carrageenan and ι-carrageenan in concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 2%. Differences in acidity and total polyphenols contents were observed (p<0.05) between apricot and cherry jam samples. Texture and sensory properties clearly indicated unequivocally the rate of acceptance of cherry and apricot jam samples, same as specificity for carrageenan usage as gelling agent with different fruit species. The specificity of fruit types, different carrageenan types and concentrations were also confirmed by principal component analysis (PCA) with the formation of different groups.
κ-carrageenan, fruit jams, textural parameters, sensory propertiesJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2018
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 49-55
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