Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Residue analysis of herbicides in soil, crop and water under different tillage condition in long-term rice-wheat cropping system
Shishir Tandon
Recieved Date: 2017-07-18, Accepted Date: 2017-09-10
Abstract:Continuous use of herbicides over the years has led to the negative effects on environment. Field trials were conducted to evaluate the buildup of isoproturon and butachlor residue in soil and crop upon their continuous application in wheat-rice cropping system under different tillage conditions. The quantitative analysis of these herbicide residues was performed using RP-HPLC with UV detector. The average recovery for butachlor was 82.186.0% for soil, 78.8-83.2% for grain, 78.2-82.8% for straw and 85.9-90.0% for water, whereas, for isoproturon in wheat grain, straw, soil and water 79.0-84.2, 78.2-85.0, 80.0-87.1 and 82.8-91.7% with relative standard deviation <10%. The limit of quantification for isoproturon and butachlor was 0.01 and 0.05 µg g-1, respectively. At harvest, residues in water and soil were below detectable limits while, grain and straw residues were below MRL in food/feed matrixes for both herbicides. Residues of butachlor or isoproturon were below detection limit upon their continuous application and no residue build up of these herbicides were observed in soil/crop. Therefore, the use of butachlor and isoproturon could be considered safe for use for agronomic and environment point of view.
isoproturon, residue buildup, tillage, wheat-rice cropping systemJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2017
Volume: 15
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 98-101
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