Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
A study on some characteristics of new registered triticale (X Triticosecale Wittm.) varieties (Aysehanim and Mehmetbey) in Turkey
Mustafa Yildirim 1*,
Hasan Gezginc 2, Ali Haydar Paksoy 2, Bekir Aktas 3, Mustafa Cakmak 4, Savas Belen 4, Necmettin Bolat 4, Ozcan Yorgancilar 4, Mesut Keser 5, Hans-Joachim Braun 6, Wolfgang H. Pfeiffer 7Recieved Date: 2014-01-20, Accepted Date: 2014-04-18
Abstract:The spring triticale cultivars Aysehanim and Mehmetbey (X Triticosecale Wittm.) were developed by Agricultural Research Station of The Eastern Mediterranean Transition Zone and they had been registered by Variety Registration and Seed Certification Center in Turkey. In this experiment, some characteristics of two new varieties were studied. The experiments were conducted at four locations of the Eastern Mediterranean Transition Zone in Turkey with three check triticale cultivars (Egeyildizi, Taceddinbey and Focus) under rain-fed conditions during the 2009 - 2010 and 2010 - 2011 growing seasons. The locations were Kahramanmaras, Adana and Hatay provinces and Ceyhan town. The genotypes were tested for agronomic, quality and botanical characteristics. Also, resistance of some cereal disease and lodging of the genotypes were determined. Aysehanim and Mehmetbey cv. had good adaptation and agronomic performance in the Eastern Mediterranean Transition Zone. The grain yields of Aysehanim and Mehmetbey cv. were 6459 and 6387 kg ha-1, respectively, and these values were significantly higher than the grain yields of Egeyildizi and Focus check cultivars, 5916 and 4919 kg ha-1, respectively. The cultivars had acceptable quality traits compared to the check cultivars. While their hectolitre weights and 1000 kernel weights were higher than the averages of check cultivars, protein content was not higher than those of the checks. Aysehanim and Mehmetbey cv. had good resistance for rust disease and lodging
registration, grain yield, diseases, grain qualityJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2014
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 370-374
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