Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Bio-synthetic natural gas in Brazil: Prospects for bio-methane production of second generation
Caroline T. Eckert 1 *,
Kenia G. Santos 1, Elisandro P. Frigo 1, 2, Reinaldo A. Bariccatti 1, Cleber A. Lindino 1, Eduardo De Rossi 1, Kesia D. A. Frigo 1, Helton J. Alves 1, 2, Samuel N. M. Souza 1, Jair A. C. Siqueira 1Recieved Date: 2015-06-11, Accepted Date: 2015-09-29
Abstract:The production of biofuels can be used in order to partially replace fossil fuels in power generation, transportation, and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. So there is really an efficiency in the process, it is necessary to examine the deployment scenarios, checking the demand for such energy vector. In this regard, the synthetic gas from biomass (Bio-SNG) appears with a premise in terms of bio-methane generation, as well as heat and electricity. The potential energy production via the Bio-SNG production is above the primary anaerobic digestion of methane, for use in a wide range of lignocellulosic biomasses for its production, incorporating somewhat different raw materials used in energy generation. The current case study tends to demonstrate the importance of introducing this technology in Brazil, combining political and energy terms with the effective demand in the near future.
methane, biofuels, bio-methane, biomass, wood, Brazil, Latin America, fuels, gasesJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2015
Volume: 13
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 175-181
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