Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Tourists behavioral intentions in rural area: An integrated aspect of SCT and TPB
Po-HsienChiu 1,
Tsai-FaYen2 *, Kuo-Kung Chu 3Recieved Date: 2015-01-15, Accepted Date: 2015-03-23
Abstract:The objective of this study basically was to explore the antecedents of behavioral intention to tourists in rural area based upon self-congruity theory (SCT). However, customers decision-making process is very intricate; it is generally believed that their decision formation can be a clue in comprehending this process. Specifically, an investigation of the underlying volitional and non-volitional factors affecting customers decisions may provide important insights into their purchasing decision-making process. Given this, the current study tries to employ the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in order to gain a better understanding of tourists post-purchasing decision-making formation. Questionnaire survey was employed. The questions in the questionnaire are based on a review of the literature and specific destination characteristics. The survey instrument was revised and finalized based on feedback from three tourism experts and a pilot sample of 30 postgraduate students studying in tourism management program in Taiwan. After questionnaire survey, 408 valid samples were received and the measurement model and structural model were estimated. The results show that the model fitness for both SCT and TPB were adequate and all of the hypotheses were statistically supported. The self-image congruity tourist perceived was the key antecedent when the owner only considering to the SCT and the subjective norm of a tourist would be the better one when considering to TPB. Furthermore, SCT and TPB is useful tool for predicting tourists intentions and can be merged into a model for B&B industry in rural area. Finally, the self-image congruity of tourists should be concerned first by the managers. Some suggestions (i.e., the pictures on the internet should be improved first to fit the actual ones) were offered herewith. This can benefit tourists by enhance their self-image congruity and subjective norm.
Keywords:Rural area,
self-image congruity, theory of planned behaviorJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2015
Volume: 13
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 168-174
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