Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Agronomic performance and susceptibility of selected spring wheat lines to fusarium head blight and leaf rust in Eastern Canada
Dixin Chen 1,2,
Xinkun Hu 2, Xuelian Wang 3, Ian Deschiffart 3, Ellen Sparry 4, Allen Xue 3, Yuanhong Chen 3, Linda Langille 3, Yves Dion 5, Brent McCallum 6, Harvey Voldeng 3, Shahrokh Khanizadeh 3 *Recieved Date: 2015-04-09, Accepted Date: 2015-09-21
Abstract:Twenty-six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm lines, including eight known cultivars were evaluated for their agronomic performance, namely yield and quality traits as well as their resistance to fusarium head blight and leaf rust during the 2012 and 2013 growing seasons in Eastern Canada. Six of the lines, namely FL62R1, ‘Fuzion’, ‘Helios’, ‘Mégantic’, ‘Nass’ and ‘Quantum’ were tested only for fusarium head blight and leaf rust and were not tested in the field because the seeds were unavailable. The cultivar ‘Morocco’ was added as a check because of its susceptibility to leaf rust. Lines AW774, AW775 and HY162-HRF had the highest yield, followed by AW759 and CRGB-08C.159. The least lodging was observed for ACS11614, CM20809 and HY162-HRF. Lines AW769, AW759 and AW765 originated from Eastern breeding program ranked among the tallest compared to CM20809, ‘AC Carberry’, ACS10604, ACS11614 and ACS12642 which had the shortest plant height. Days to heading for the tested lines ranged from 51.8 for ‘AC Carberry’ to 60.5 for AW765. The most FHB-infected lines were ‘Quantum’ followed by CM20809 and HY162-HRF and the most resistant line was FL62R1, which showed the fewest fusarium head blight symptoms and lowest deoxynivalenol content in grains followed by AW765. A negative correlation was also observed between height and fusarium head blight (-0.69) and deoxynivalenol. The susceptible check cultivar ‘Morocco’ scored as moderately to very susceptible to the five leaf rust races, whereas ‘AC Carberry’, ACS10604, ACS11614 and CM9019 showed the highest resistance to all races.
Keywords:Spring wheat breeding,
agronomic trait performance, FHB, leaf rust, yieldJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2015
Volume: 13
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 86-89
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