Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Changes in seed yield and biological yield of six wheat cultivars on the basis of different sowing dates
Amir Riaziat,
Ali Soleymani *, Mohamad Hesam ShahrajabianRecieved Date: 2011-10-02, Accepted Date: 2012-01-08
Abstract:The effect of sowing date was significant on plant height, peduncle height, spike length, lodging percentage, the number of fertile spike per m2, the number of seeds per spike, a thousand seed weight, seed yield and biological yield. Cultivar had significant influence on plant height, peduncle height, spike length, lodging percentage, the number of fertile spikes per m2, the number of seeds per spike, a thousand seed weight, seed yield and harvest index. Sowing date and cultivar interaction had significant influence on biological yield. Other experimental characteristics were not affected by cultivar and sowing date interaction. Cultivar C81-14 had the maximum a thousand seed weight; this cultivar had significant difference with all other cultivars, except for Gaskogen. The minimum seed yield was related to Kavir. The maximum and minimum harvest index were achieved in Gaskogen and Kavir, respectively. Interaction effect between sowing date and cultivar was found on all of traits. Under same conditions with present study best sowing date was 21 October, Gascogen being the best cultivar. Also, under relay cropping conditions, Alvand cultivar produced the highest grain yield in comparison with other cultivars, and this cultivar was suitable for relay cropping conditions.
Keywords:Seed yield,
biological yield, cultivar, wheat, planting dateJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 467-469
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