Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Permanent wilting point of bean cultivated in Dystric Nitosols and Rhodic Ferralsols
Alexandre C. Salvestro 1*,
Paulo S. L. de Freitas 2, Roberto Rezende 2, Rivanildo Dallacort 3, Camila Viana Vieira 4Recieved Date: 2011-09-05, Accepted Date: 2012-01-09
Abstract:This work was aimed at determining soil moisture corresponding to the permanent wilting point (PWP) for bean crop in two soil types, Dystric Nitosols and Rhodic Ferralsols present in the northwest region of Paraná, and also determining evapotranspiration as a function of moisture. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse. Seedling was carried out in March, 2009, in 80 vases with two soil types. Soil was kept close to 80% field capacity until the period of pre-flowering determined for the start of water stress. From this stage on, plants were no longer watered, and at the first sign of wilting at the end of the day, the respective pots were transferred to a dark room with air relative humidity close to 100% for checking the definite non return of turgidity. Photosynthesis was measured using IRGA. PWP quantified with the physiological method for Dystric Nitosols and Rhodic Ferralsols for beans were 0.186 m3 m-3 and 0.082 m3 m-3, respectively. Photosynthetic rate reached the limit zero of CO2 assimilation close to PWP. Bean crop evapotranspiration reduced with moisture decrease for Rhodic Ferralsols and Dystric Nitosols reaching values close to zero.
soil moisture, water stressJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 462-466
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