Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Evaluation of the genetic variability of microsatellite markers in Saudi Arabian camels
Abdulaziz M. Al-Swailem 1*,
Maher M. Shehata 1, Khalid A. Al-Busadah 2, Maged H. Fallatah 1, Ejaz Askari 1Recieved Date: 2008-10-08, Accepted Date: 2009-03-25
Abstract:A study was conducted to determine the genetic distances among Saudi Arabian camel types (Magaheem, Sufer and Shogeh) by microsatellite analysis. Ninety nine samples were analyzed by twenty microsatellite primers. The results of this study indicated that all types are very closely related; however, some alleles have a different distribution in the three types. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 (LCA33) to 7 (YWLL38). The distribution of the allele frequencies is different. It is remarkable that numerous alleles are present in only one type, often appearing in relatively high frequencies. For instance the allele 211 of marker VOLP77 only exists within the Magaheem type with a relatively elevated frequency of 15% while the allele 148 of the marker LCA18 is only present in the Sufer type with a frequency of 12%. The panel of microsatellites evaluated in Saudi camels in the present study showed a very low heterozygosity and polymorphism and very high probability of genetic identity of thirty three individuals belonging to three types. Based on the results of this study, development of a test for camel type identification is possible. This study further showed that microsatellites are very useful and effective in the execution of future paternity tests as well as in the determination of genetic variation of camel types and differentiation within and between populations, even in closely related types, and for genetic diversity studies for selection and conservation of Saudi camels. This genetic study indicates that any further genetic loss should be prevented and the camel’s fate is in our hands.
Keywords:Genetic variation,
microsatellite markers, heterozygosity, polymorphism, Saudi camelsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 636-639
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