Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Evaluation of economic values of broiler breeders in partially integrated system
Ali-Reza Fallah-Khair 1,
Reza Seyed-Sharifi 2*, Morad-Pasha Eskandari-Nasab 1, Abdollah Sobhani 2Recieved Date: 2009-01-20, Accepted Date: 2009-04-18
Abstract:The economic value of a trait expresses the extent to which improvement of genetic merit of a trait can contribute to an improvement of economic efficiency of poultry production systems. The objective of this research was to study the economic values of the economic traits in broiler breeder flocks using a deterministic model. Required data and information for this study including performance data, revenues and costs from one Arbor Acres Plus broiler breeder flock was collected. Economic values were estimated by use of profit equation and on per unit of product (broiler chick). In this study effect of changing in products production level, changing in hatching and fertility percent on products economic values and also changing in cost price of ration on economic values of seven economic traits at rearing and laying period in partially integrated system were evaluated. Economic values based on one unit of product for interested traits in this research, i.e. hatching and fertility percent, number of marketable chick, feed consumption at rearing and laying period and cost price of ration at ones were estimated as 31.68, 26.85, 18.43, -0.08, -0.30, -24.13 and –32.02 Rials, respectively. Changing in economic values of hatching and fertility percent and also number of marketable chick by 1 till 5 percent increase or decrease in cost price of ration at laying period were fixed and decreased by increasing in cost price of ration and increased by decreasing in cost price of ration. By increasing in products production level, a decrease occurs in value of traits that they have positive economic values and an increase occurs in value of traits that they have negative economic values. The effects of decrease or increase in large levels of product on economic values of traits are nonlinear. Therefore, profit is a nonlinear function from different traits.
Keywords:Economic value,
broiler breeder, profit, partially integrated systemJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 629-635
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