Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Effects of different rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on yield and yield components of Savalan potato cultivar mini-tubers
Davoud Hassanpanah 1*,
Amir Aslan Hosienzadeh 1, Bahram Dahdar 1, Nasser Allahyari 1, Leila Imanparast 2Recieved Date: 2009-01-18, Accepted Date: 2009-04-09
Abstract:This experiment was conducted for determination of the best N and P fertilizer levels for cultivation of potato mini-tubers of Savalan cultivar in Ardabil Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Station during 2007-2008. Experimental design was factorial on the basis of randomized complete blocks with two factors and three replications. Factor A had four levels of N fertilizer (30% more than amount based on soil test, amount based on soil test, 30% less than amount based on soil test and without use of N fertilizer) and Factor B had four levels of P fertilizer (30% more than amount based on soil test, amount based on soil test, 30% less than amount based on soil test and without use of P fertilizer). Analysis of complete variance showed that there were significant differences between years in total and marketable tuber yield, main stem number per plant and total and marketable tuber number and weight per plant, between levels of N fertilizer in marketable tuber yield and plant height, between levels of P fertilizer in total tuber weight per plant and marketable tuber number per plant, between years and level of N fertilizer in total and marketable tuber yield, total and marketable tuber number and weight per plant. There were interaction between years and levels of P fertilizer in marketable tuber yield and between levels of N and P fertilizer in main stem number per plant. The maximum of total and marketable tuber yield was obtained when N and P fertilizers were used 30% more than amount based on soil test.
mini-tuber, N, P fertilizersJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 415-418
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