Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 5, Issue 1,2007
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Genetic diversity among selected wheat lines differing in heat tolerance using molecular markers


M. I. Motawei 1*, A. A. Al-Doss 2, K. A. Moustafa 2

Recieved Date: 2006-09-17, Accepted Date: 2006-12-20


Two types of molecular markers, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), were assayed to determine the genetic diversity of 12 wheat lines and two wheat cultivars (Yecora Rojo and West Bread). A high level of polymorphism was found with both RAPD and ISSR markers. In RAPD analyses, 31 out of 42 bands (71%) were polymorphic. In ISSR analyses, a total of 28 alleles were detected, among which 19 alleles (67.8%) were polymorphic. The dendrogram based on RAPD markers was not in accord with the dendrogram based on ISSR markers for all cases. Whereas, the combined dendrogram agrees better with the groups of the wheat lines depending on its pedigree and heat tolerance than the dendrograms generated by RAPD or ISSR data alone. The wheat lines (L3, L4, L5, L10, L11, and L12), which derived from the cross between Yecora Rojo and local line (Sama), were grouped in two different clusters depending on heat tolerance and susceptibility.


Wheat lines, RAPD markers, ISSR markers, genetic diversity, heat tolerance

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2007
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 180-183

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