Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Nutritional and antinutritional components of cassava (Manihot esculenta var. 326) leaf and tuber as affected by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis in field conditions


Gilbert Mbassi Manga, Raymond Fokom, Souleymanou Adamou, Laure Maptouom Fotso, Ngwasiri Pride Ndasi, Damien Essono,   Dieudonné Nwaga,   Elie Fokou

Recieved Date: 2020-01-16, Accepted Date: 2020-03-10


Although of great contribution to food security, cassava belongs to a family of plant producing dangerous substances for consumers. This study aimed at studying the impact of AM fungi inoculation on the modulation of some nutrients and antinutrient compounds content in cassava tubers and leaves in field condition. Mature cassava tuber and leaf powder were used for analysis of nutrients and antinutrients following recommended methods. Root colonization of cassava plant was 40% for AM fungi treatment and 10% for control. A 68.18 and 63.26% yield increase was record for AM fungi treatment compared to control for tuber and leaf, respectively. Percentages of mass increase of nutrients compared to control in tubers and leaves were respectively: sugar (8.1; 3.5), protein (49.42; 19), calcium (24.78; 11.76), potassium (30.01; 52.93), phosphorus (4.04; 22.22), iron (19.35; 25.20) and magnesium (15.37; 147). Conversely, percentages of mass decrease of antinutrients compared to control in tubers and leaves were, respectively: saponin (14.48; 15.21), phytate (32.5; 54.54), oxalate (113; 54.68) and cyanide (77.01; 529). Root colonization of cassava plant coupled to yield increases of tubers and leaves support the efficiency of the AM fungi strain used. Significant increases of nutrient content in cassava leaves and tubers were recorded while the antinutrient contents decreased. Those results are additional support of the important roles of AM fungi which must be strongly recommended for healthy cassava productions.


Cassava, AM fungi, sugar, tubers, cyanides, antinutrients.

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2020
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 54-58

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