Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Organoleptic evaluation of ready-to-eat upma product by using superseeds
Mansi Mandal,
Sunita MishraRecieved Date: 2019-11-02, Accepted Date: 2019-12-30
Abstract:Ready-to-eat food product was studied and developed by using superseeds (pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds). The readyto-eat products, also called convenience foods, are partially cooked when packed. With ready-to-eat foods, people do not have to skip their meals and compromise with their health. Foods can be refrigerated, are shelf-stable, require minimal heating or are served hot and easy to carry and manageable to prepare. Changing food consumption behavior among consumers, increased willingness to spend on such food and the lack of time to cook at home are a result of the rapid urbanization. To balance health among consumers and preserve the quality of food, organoleptic evaluation or sensory properties like taste/flavor, texture/mouth feel, appearance, aroma and colour of ready-to-eat food is important to increase the growth of the readyto-eat food market and make lasting for food quality. Superseeds are full of nutritional powerhouses wrapped in very small packages.They are a great source of fiber, essential fatty acids, proteins, minerals, vitamins and life enhancing nutrients - especially important in vegetarian and vegan diets. Innovative and healthy food product as simple semolina upma by adding superseeds (pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds) as functional ingredients which enhance and enrich the traditionally recipes as therapeutic diet food according to the demands of public health and requirement, convenience and organic foods. Advancement in areas of packaging technology are expected to provide a future growth opportunity in the sector
Keywords:Ready to eat,
superseeds (pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds), upma, organoleptic propertiesJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2020
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 14-17
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