Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Old and new common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in organic zero-input: connecting agronomic, microorganism, phytochemical and bread sensory characteristics
Paola Migliorini 1,
Luisa Torri 1, Anne Whittaker 2, Valentina Moschini 2, Stefano Benedettelli 2, Giorgio Masoero 3*Recieved Date: 2018-02-10, Accepted Date: 2018-03-30
Abstract:On aim to connect phytochemical traits as related with bread sensory features, Italian Old varieties and one Modern variety of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were compared in a framework taut to develop Micro Organism Consortium (MOC) under organic agriculture managements. Almost all the agronomic traits distinguished the Modern from the Old Italian varieties: reduced plant height, root weight, yield and lodging but increased harvest, tillering, and weeds attacks. Polyphenols in the modern variety Blasco were significantly lower than in the old varieties, Andriolo and Gentil Rosso but addition of MOC factor raised the content. The MOC factor dramatically modified the phytochemical traits, which in turn concurred to give the sensorial characteristics of the Old Wheat varieties Bread (OWB) to the Modern Wheat varieties Bread (MWB). A multivariate data elaboration highlighted some relationships between the classes of secondary components and the OWB scores, judged as favourable (polyphenols, bound flavonoids) or adverse (flavonoids, tannins, total anthocyans). Italian wheat varieties enhanced excellent bakery properties, based on the secondary compounds variation and strengthened by MOC factor modifications.
Keywords:Old wheat varieties,
micro-organism consortium, phytochemicals, bread sensorJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2018
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 22-27
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