Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Societal and environmental drivers affecting the sustainable development of coastal tourism in Kudat
Er Ah Choy
Recieved Date: 2015-06-15, Accepted Date: 2015-09-28
Abstract:This study analyzes the impact of (i) societal drivers and (ii) climate change on the sustainable development of coastal tourism in Kudat. The scope of this study encompasses local societal drivers, such as related government stakeholders, environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs), the fishing sector and the tourism sector in Kudat. For climate change, all possible scenarios associated with the impact of climate change on coastal areas are considered. The collection of primary and secondary data is the main research method used. Primary data were collected via a pilot study, with interviews conducted with key informants from local communities and participant observation. This method is complemented by and supplemented with secondary research. Preliminary findings from the pilot study and secondary data reveal that the full gazettement of the Tun Mustapha Park can lead to an effective and coordinated conservation effort. Local and internationally affiliated ENGOs are currently doing a commendable job in initiating conservation efforts with limited resources. Overfishing is a prevalent issue. However, to a large extent, cyanide and blast fishing are being restricted because of the involvement of local communities. The equitable involvement of local communities and co-management with relevant authorities are the key steps in creating sustainable tourism in Kudat. Ecotourism activities also facilitate sustainable coastal tourism development. The impacts of climate change on the coastal areas of Kudat are coastal erosion and damaged reefs resulting from cyanide and blast fishing. Exploited coastal mangroves are also highly vulnerable to climate change. These impacts can have a negative effect on sustainable coastal tourism on a long-term basis.
Keywords:Sustainable development,
coastal tourism, KudatJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2015
Volume: 13
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 147-149
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