Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Accumulation of heavy metals in rice grown in soil irrigated with electroplating industry wastewater treated with coagulants and adsorbents
Dedi Nursyamsi,
Husnain Husnain *Recieved Date: 2015-06-04, Accepted Date: 2015-09-07
Abstract:Effectiveness of treating wastewater from electroplating industry with coagulants and adsorbents to remove heavy metals was studied by monitoring heavy metal accumulation in rice grown in soil irrigated with treated wastewater. Chitosan, a nontoxic and degradable biopolymer which can be used in wastewater treatment and activated Azolla were the two coagulants. Activated peanut shells and tea waste were used as adsorbents. All possible combinations of treating wastewater with coagulants and adsorbents including no treatment were used before irrigating rice with the treated water. Rice was grown in pots containing 10 kg of 2 mm air dried soil. The soil was collected from Dampyak Subdistrict, Central Java. Fertilizer was applied as much as 300 mg kg-1 nitrogen, 200 mg kg-1 phosphorus and 100 mg kg-1 potassium. The results showed that grain and straw yield of rice increased with all combinations of treating or not treating the wastewater with coagulants and adsorbents. Treating the electroplating wastewater with the two adsorbents and two coagulants reduced the accumulation of heavy metals in both the soil and the rice plant tissue. Treatment with either coagulant, alone or in combination with either adsorbent, reduced the soil Ni and Cu concentrations. Treatment with adsorbent alone reduced the soil Zn concentration. In case of rice, treating the wastewater with any adsorbent or coagulant, alone or in combination, significantly reduced the Cu concentration, whereas treatment only with tea waste was able to reduce the Cr concentration as compared to use of untreated waste water for irrigation.
coagulant, electroplating wastewater, heavy metals, rice, soil, wastewater treatmentJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2015
Volume: 13
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 121-126
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