Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of isoamyl acetate in free-solvent media — optimization using a central composite design
Gabriela A. Macedo *,
Gláucia M. Pastore, Maria I. RodriguesRecieved Date: 2002-10-23, Accepted Date: 2003-05-16
Abstract:The catalytic action of two non commercial lipases (E.C. in the synthesis of isoamyl acetate in a solvent-free system, were tested using an experimental design in order to better understand the relationship between the reaction variables. Yields ranging from 67 to 77 % molar conversion were achieved. The synthesis of isoamyl acetate catalyzed by the chosen lipase (Rhizopus sp.) was optimized, in order to maximize the molar conversion (yield, Y) in a solvent-free system. Response surface methodology involving the substrate molar ratio (RM) and amount of lipase (L) was used, and a second order model was employed to generate response surfaces. The optimum conditions to obtain Y max = 80% were: RM= (2:1); L= 8.7% ( w/w), 40°C, and 48 hours of reaction time.
Keywords:Flavour esters,
esterification, response surface methodology, lipaseJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2003
Volume: 1
Issue: 3&4
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 59-63
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