Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Influence of copper sources on the management of leaf rust, growth and crop yield of Arabica coffee
Sebastião V. B. Brinate 1,2*,
Lima D. Martins 1, Wagner N. Rodrigues 1, Tafarel V. Colodetti 1, Vinícius V. Cunha 2, Gustavo N. G. P. Rosa 3, Waldir C. J. Junior 4, Marcelo A. Tomaz 1Recieved Date: 2015-01-11, Accepted Date: 2015-03-30
Abstract:The fertilization with micronutrients in coffee plantations is a widespread practice; however, the benefits provided by these elements, as well as their sources, requires broader and deeper studies. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different sources of copper (Cu) on the growth, crop yield and intensity of leaf rust on Arabica coffee plants. The experiment was conducted at the “Eloy Carlos Heringer” Centre for Coffee Research (Centro de Pesquisas Cafeeiras “Eloy Carlos Heringer” – CEPEC) in municipality of Martins Soares, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The experimental design used was a randomised block, with treatments consisting of seven copper sources: COC = copper carbonate; HOCp = copper hydroxide (powder); HOCl = copper hydroxide (liquid); OCC = copper oxychloride; SCO = copper sulphate; SCO + CAL = copper sulphate + lime, and OXC = cuprous oxide, with three replications. The treatments were applied in three sprayings, spaced at 30-day intervals. Before the first application and 30 days after each spraying, leaves were collected for nutritional analysis. Periodically, morphological and agrochemical parameters were assessed, where the count of vegetative internodes, number of leaves, and incidence and severity of rust were performed. At harvest, the crop yield, weight of unripe, dry and ripe fruits, percentage of floating fruits, and sieve classification were evaluated. For the studied conditions, the treatments with OCC and HOCp provided greater reductions in the intensity of rust; treatments with HOCp , HOCl and OCC promoted greater increases in crop yield; and HOCl promoted higher uniformity of ripening.
nutrition, phytossanity, productivity, sustainabilityJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2015
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 184-189
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