Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 11, Issue 1,2013
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Consumer characteristics influencing organic milk consumption preference in Tokat,Turkey 


H. Sibel Gülse Bal

Recieved Date: 2012-10-12, Accepted Date: 2013-01-29


Turkish consumers have increasingly shown interest in organically produced foods in recent years. Concerns about environmental degradation, pesticide and hormone residues in food products and animal welfare issues all are contributing factors in this consumer interest. This article identifies consumer characteristics associated with preferences toward organic milk in Tokat, Turkey. The data were obtained by a survey method from 224 families living in the urban areas of Tokat Province in June 2010. In this study, a binomial logit model was used to investigate the selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of consumers that determine households’ organic milk consumption choices and non-consumption choices. Housewife education, permanent income, household size, having a working wife, knowledge of organic product has statistically significant impacts on household organic milk choices. Binary logit results for organic milk consumption choices of the households are related positively household with working wife, knowledge of organic product and negatively number of members in the household, education level of the housewife and  permanent income. According to the survey, knowledge of organic product is effective on the organic milk consumption. Therefore, policy makers should be efforts to increase consumer awareness about organic products. Consumption of organic milk is influenced by such factors as milk prices and income. Organic products are expensive, so organic dairy farming should be encouraged and the manufacturers should be supported. This situation is very important both for the export of organic products and for the domestic demand. Turkey has an important agricultural potential for organic agriculture.  The rising trend of natural products, food safety and changes in consumer habits may be an advantage for Turkey. 


Organic product, organic milk, consumer preferences, consumer choices, Turkey, consumption

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2013
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 159-164

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