Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Effectiveness of methods for reducing tilapia oil acidity for biodiesel production


Gislaine Iastiaque Martins, Deonir Secco, Luciene Kazue Tokura*, Reinaldo Aparecido Bariccatti, Bruna Dresch Dolci, Samuel Nelson Melegari de Souza

Recieved Date: 2015-06-02, Accepted Date: 2015-12-20


With the growing demand for alternative materials for the production of biofuels, an interesting option is the use of waste oils or animal fats for biodiesel production. However, domestic production is almost entirely carried out by transesterification via base catalysis which requires some experimental conditions as low moisture content and low acidity of the oil used. This study was conducted in order to indicate a methodology that can promote the neutralization of tilapia oil acidity efficiently, allowing a process with elevated oil yield. The study evaluated various concentrations of NaOH and methods of separating sludge-oil by continuous neutralization and its influence on the yield and reduction of the acid value of raw fish oil. The continuous neutralization process with sludge-oil separation in a separation funnel by decantation provides oil acidity correction, yet significant losses occur in relation to the neutralized oil yield. The continuous neutralization process with paper filter has proven to be more effective and favored the use of feedstocks such as high-acidity oils, and presented neutralized oil yield of about 80%. After the neutralization process the tilapia oil went through transesterification and base catalysis, proving to be a good alternative for biodiesel production. It is recommended that neutralization occurs with the highest sodium hydroxide concentration in order to obtain oils with lower acidity, what favors their conversion into biodiesel.


Waste, neutralization, free fatty acids, biodiesel

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2016
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 124-127

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