Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 8, Issue 3&4,2010
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Tradeoff approach of multiple objective analysis in the Haihe River Basin


Zhiguo Gan *, Hong Gan, Lin Wang, Jinjun You, Qilin Zhu

Recieved Date: 2010-07-20, Accepted Date: 2010-11-03


Sustainable water resources development is a great challenge for basins and regions in which there is severe water-scarcity. The Haihe River Basin is a typical area subject to extreme water shortages and water pollution. The managers of the basin have allocated the water in the region in such a way as to guarantee economic growth, stabilize society, improve ecology and the environment and enable sustainable water resources use. However, they must have a detailed understanding of tradeoffs among sectors so that they can adjust the water allocation plan as needed. Therefore, this study was conducted to develop a method of calculating tradeoff between various objectives based on a simulation and allocation model designed to meet multiple demands and balance water-use conflicts between various sectors. GDP, grain yield, COD discharge into rivers and groundwater overexploitation were selected as the targets for economy, society, environment and water resources. To maximize the benefits to the economy, society, environment and water resources, multi-objective analysis was used in the water allocation model established in this paper and the model was found to be capable of identifying tradeoffs between GDP and grain yield, GDP and groundwater overexploitation and GDP and COD discharge volume in the Haihe River Basin. The model identified functional relationships based on the water allocation plan for 2020 and the tradeoffs can be used to support decision-making regarding water allocation in the Haihe River Basin.


Tradeoff, water resources, allocation, sustainable development, multi-objective, Haihe River Basin

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 991-995

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