Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 10, Issue 2,2012
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Spike yield stability in wheat grown under stress conditions of alkaline soil


Sofija Petrović 1, Miodrag Dimitrijević 1, Cimpeanu Sorin Mihai 2, Daniel Bucur 3, Ana Andreea Gurita 3, Maria Harja 4, Livija Maksimović 5, Milivoj Belić 1

Recieved Date: 2012-02-09, Accepted Date: 2012-05-04


Bread wheat requires a fertile soil with good physical and chemical characteristics. Halomorphic soil (solonetz type) could be utilized to increase agricultural production when combined with soil amelioration measures and by growing suitable crops and varieties. This paper deals with the effect of ameliorating the soil using phosphogypsum at two application levels (25 and 50 t ha -1) on grain yield per spike (GYS), which is a sensitive quantitative trait affecting the yield component in wheat, especially under abiotic stress conditions. Eight wheat varieties examined showed positive reactions to soil amelioration leading to improved use and bioremediation of less productive soil. The differences between varieties grown with three treatments in three seasons were expressed through averages for a given trait showing that weather conditions during the vegetation period strongly influenced the effect of amelioration. In the first year of study the yield per spike showed the highest overall improvement. In the following 2 years, environmental conditions had a greater influence on the traits being investigated than the effects of the soil amelioration treatments.


Amelioration, AMMI, solonetz, spike yield, wheat

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 480-484

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