Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Liquefaction of albumen during the early incubational stages of the avian embryo and its impact on the antimicrobial activity of albumen
Jun Fang,
Meihu Ma, Yongguo Jin, Ning Qiu, Qun Huang, Shuguo Sun, Fang Geng, Liang GuoRecieved Date: 2011-09-16, Accepted Date: 2012-01-08
Abstract:The antimicrobial properties of avian egg albumen have attracted a wide interest in the last 20 years. Liquefaction of egg albumen during storage led to changes in physicochemical properties of albumen and then destroyed its antimicrobial activity. However, possible effects of liquefaction on antimicrobial properties of egg albumen during early incubation stages have received little attention. The purpose of the present study was to reveal whether the liquefaction of egg albumen during the early embryonic development affects its antimicrobial potential. We determined the concentration of ovotransferrin and lysozyme in thick and thin albumen during early incubation stages by a HPLC method. The results clearly showed that the concentration of ovotransferrin in thin and thick albumen was increased as incubation progressed but slight decrease and increase of lysozyme concentration were found during the early incubation stages (p>0.05). Furthermore, the specific lysozyme activity of thin and thick albumen was decreased significantly in the second day of incubation. Whereas, as incubation progressed, the iron ion binding capacity was increased in both thin and thick albumen samples. The bacterial inhibition activity of both thin and thick egg albumen increased and reached its highest level in the second day of incubation. We supposed that the rise in pH and liquefaction of the thick albumen probably limits the antimicrobial properties of albumen proteins, but these were replaced by an unfavorable pH for bacterial growth during the early incubation stages. Moreover, the antimicrobial defence system of egg albumen would be activated under the early incubation conditions.
Keywords:Thin albumen,
thick albumen, liquefaction, incubation, antimicrobial activityJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 423-427
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