Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Factors affecting trout marketing in Kohgiloye and Boyer Ahmad province of Iran
Morteza Hassan Shahi 1,
Yaqhoob Zeratkish 2, Vahid Foroughi 3*Recieved Date: 2011-11-05, Accepted Date: 2012-01-06
Abstract:This study aims to examine trout marketing in Kohgiloye and Boyer Ahmad province to define a policy to meet the problems and develop market of this kind of fish. In this paper, we have proposed the significant factors which affect marketing margin of raised trout in Kohgiloye and Boyer Ahmad province (Iran) in 2010. The results showed that the total marketing margin, wholesalers and retailing are 8350, 1720 and 6630 Rials, respectively. Received portions of producer wholesaler and retailer of total price are also 80, 4 and 16 percent. Estimated marketing cost model is 4230 Rials which is equivalent to 12.10 percent. The standard to certify the transparent market indicates that the direction of trout marketing is not transparent, which decreases the effectiveness of market. Results to estimate the functions of marketing margin by mark up model indicated that price, marketing cost and transportation cost are directly associated with the marketing margin at retailing level. Also evaluations show that not being aware of market state, lack of infrastructural facilities are of the most important problems for products of salmon.
Keywords:Marketing margin,
trout, marketing cost, effectiveness, mark up model, Kohgiloye and Boyer Ahmad ProvinceJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 248-250
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