Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
The place and role of patelloplasty in total knee arthroplasty
Iconia E. Borza,
Cosmin I. Faur *Recieved Date: 2011-09-02, Accepted Date: 2012-01-08
Abstract:Among the current therapeutic solutions available for gonarthrosis, total knee arthroplasty has been gaining ground, being today one of the most successful surgical procedures in orthopaedic surgery, especially because of the major progress made by teams of engineers in terms of design and manufacturing materials. However, there still are some issues left unresolved by this procedure; one of them refers to weather, to do or not the patelloplasty during a total knee arthroplasty. This paper presents the authors’ experience in dealing with femoropatellar compartment in total knee arthroplasty on a group of 65 total knee replacements. In this study, we believe that systematic prosthetic replacement of the femoropatellar compartment does not justify this point of view, being justified by the clinical scores on the medium term. For this reason, we propose an individual approach for each patient, taking into account the quality of patellar cartilage. If we consider performing a patelloplasty, one of the major conditions for a good long-term functional outcome is good assure of a proper patellar recentration.
total knee arthroplasty, gonarthrosisJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 107-108
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