Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Yield stability and agronomic performance of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in the Central Black Sea Region in Turkey
Nevzat Aydin 1*,
Cemal Şermet 2, Zeki Mut 3, Hasan Orhan Bayramoğlu 2, Hasan Özcan 2, Ahmet Öz 4Recieved Date: 2011-01-08, Accepted Date: 2011-03-29
Abstract:Grain yield and yield stability of genotypes are of great importance in wheat genetics and breeding programs. Yield stability can be used to select promising and stable wheat genotypes across environments. It can also represent good adaptation ability of high-yielding genotypes across environments. This study was conducted in 7 environments in the Central Black Sea Region in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 growing seasons. Twenty-three bread wheat cultivars and advanced lines were tested in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Data were recorded for grain yield, plant height, hectolitre weight, thousand kernel weight and SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate) sedimentation volume. Parametric and nonparametric methods were used to determine the stable genotypes for grain yield. Mean grain yields of genotypes ranged from 5742 to 3262 kg ha-1. The highest mean values for thousand kernel weight, hectolitre weight and SDS sedimentation were obtained from Samsun/Bafra location in 2008-2009 with 46.4 g, Samsun/Bafra location in 2008-2009 with 81.2 kg, and Samsun/Karakoy location with 38.2 ml, respectively. While the genotypes G11 and G22 were most stable by all stability parameters except for the TOP statistic, the genotype G6 was the most stable by all stability parameters except for ASV statistic. The genotypes G6, G11 and G22 will be tested for release procedure and the genotypes with good yield potential and acceptable end-use quality will be used as elite genetic material for future breeding activities in the Central Black Sea Region.
Keywords:Bread wheat,
yield stability, GxE interaction, hectoliter weight, SDS sedimentationJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 210-216
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