Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
The Internet as a business environment in Romanian agriculture
Liliana M. Moga 1*,
Florin M. Buhociu 1, Ion Ionita 2, Florina O. Virlanuta 1, Valentin Antohi 1, Adrian Gh. Zugravu 1Recieved Date: 2008-12-14, Accepted Date: 2009-04-08
Abstract:In Romania there are over four million and a half actors activating in the agricultural field, spread all over the surface of the country, in regions where the possibilities of communication with the clients are limited. This category is represented by producers of raw materials, agricultural service providers and even partners from food industry and individual customers. The lack of prompt communication between them is one of the factors which obstruct the efficiency of Romanian agriculture whose products ought to cope with the free European market. In an economy where the offer and the demand meet even more often in the virtual space, it is high time the Romanian agriculture to eliminate the time and space barriers, and to use Internet as a business environment. The benefits brought to the Romanian agriculture by giving up the traditional approach of the processes regarding the procurement and the commercialization of the agricultural output represents a part of the effected research. By means of this paper we aim at evaluating the domains that gave up the traditional methods of information and affairs development and the stage of Internet use in Romanian agribusiness. Moreover, we will identify the factors that led to this layout. Throughout the study, we took into account both factors influencing the e-commerce evolution in general and specific agribusiness-oriented factors as well. Emanating from the present study, there are numerous solutions for the improvement and popularization of Romanian e-agribusiness which would raise the awareness about the advantages of e-commerce on the Romanian business scene.
Internet, e-commerce, farmers, influence factorsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 651-654
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