Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Effect of innovation adoptions on cassava production by farmers in Ijebu North Local Government Area, Ogun State of Nigeria
M. A. Oladoja *,
O. A. Adeokun, O. E. FapojuwoRecieved Date: 2008-12-20, Accepted Date: 2009-04-12
Abstract:Production of cassava farmer is limited when the environment in which it takes place is unfavorable. The paper focused on the effect of innovation adoption on cassava production in Ijebu North Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Eighty-three farmers were proportionately and randomly sampled from four wards using a pre-tested interview schedule. Results revealed that majority of the respondents were under 45 years, with 76 percent of them being males and having one form of formal education or the other. The finding revealed that 90.4, 98.8, 99, 98, 86.7 and 90.4% of the respondents scored high in awareness of information on tractor, spacing, improved variety, fertilizer herbicide and insecticide, respectively. Then, 90.4% of the respondents scored low in access of information in harvester. A significant relationship existed between the effect of innovation adopted on production and respondents age (x2 = 49.9; p<0.05), source of credit (x2 = 60.90; p<0.05) and years spent in cassava production (x2 = 52.00; p<0.05). There is need to stem up extension activities to the cassava farmers for monitoring the production performance and planning for enhancement activities.
innovation, adoption, cassava production, farmerJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 616-619
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