Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Therapeutic and immunomodulatory effects of two natural products on the puerperal endometritis of dairy cows
Liviu Bogdan *,
Ioan Groza, Iancu Morar, Simona Ciupe, Mihai Cenariu, Ileana Bogdan, Sidonia Bogdan, Anamaria Petrean, Adrian DavidRecieved Date: 2009-01-08, Accepted Date: 2009-04-16
Abstract:The natural therapy in puerperal and post-puerperal uterine disorders comes as a necessity for farmers, due to the high economic losses suffered when antibiotics are used for this purpose. The purpose of our research was to find an effective therapy method of the puerperal disorders in dairy cows using two natural products: EucaComp (PlantaVet, Bad Waldsee, Germany) and Plantistim (Plantextract, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and to verify their local and general immunomodulatory effect. The cows taken into consideration for the research were diagnosed with puerperal endometritis by rectal palpation and lochia examination and two batches were formed. Batch I was made up of 15 cows that were treated with EucaComp intrauterine suspension while Batch II was made up of 18 cows that were treated with Plantistim intrauterine suspension. The treatments in both batches were performed at 48 hours interval until healing. Two control batches were also set up in which the classical treatment was performed, using an antibiotic suspension (oxytetracyclin) administered intrauterinely until healing. For the correct interpretation of the results, blood samples and uterine secretions were collected from six cows belonging to every batch in order to determine various metabolic and immunologic parameters. After performing the natural treatments, healing was obtained in both batches after 3-5 administrations in 73.33% and 77.78% of the cases with lower percentages for the control batches (60% and 57.14% respectively). The metabolic parameters that were determined point out the metabolic disorders that participate in the etiology of these post-partum infections, probably due to nutritional deficiencies that occur before as well as after the parturition. The immunologic parameters that were determined clearly show the local and general immunomodulatory effect of the two natural products, justifying the high healing percentage following the treatment. Thus, we recommend the use of the two natural suspensions for the treatment of puerperal and post-puerperal uterine disorders in dairy cows.
Keywords:Dairy cows,
natural product, puerperal disorder, uterus, endometritis, metabolic disorders, immunomodulatory effectJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 189-192
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