Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
A research on the dessert produced from modified atmosphere packaged pumpkins
Bige Incedayi *,
Canan Ece Tamer, Sibel Parseker Yönel, Ömer Utku ÇopurRecieved Date: 2009-02-02, Accepted Date: 2009-04-08
Abstract:In this research, pumpkin was minimally processed and stored after modified atmosphere packaging. Washed and peeled pumpkins were cut into small pieces and put into 1500 ppm Na-metabisulphide + 1% NaCl solution. The cut pieces were divided into two groups and both of them were dip-treated with 150 ppm Na-hypochloride for 5 minutes and washed with tap water. After that when the first group was dipped into the solution containing citric acid (1.5%) for 5 minutes; the second group was dipped into the solution of L-cysteine (0.5%) for 10 minutes. Approximately 200 g samples were packed in polypropylene dishes and BOPP film packages. Packages were also separated into two groups. The first group was sealed with 80% vacuum with 80% N2 and the second group was sealed with 80% vacuum with 70% N2 + 10% CO2. Samples were stored at 4±2°C. After 10 days storage, pumpkins were processed into traditional Turkish dessert called as “kabak tatlisi” and the chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics of both of the pumpkins and the desserts were investigated. During the storage period, ascorbic acid, total phenolics and total carotenoids content of pumpkins were decreased. More reductions occurred in blank samples, which were not treated with any chemicals and then packaged under modified atmosphere conditions. When the packages were examined according to their gas concentrations, decrease of oxygen was slow in the samples treated with L-cysteine, so this application decreased the respiration of pumpkins. When the results of sensory analysis for pumpkins and desserts were evaluated it was concluded that L-cysteine application was rejected by the panelists by 95% probability because of its unliked odor. However, this application provided preference in terms of their appearance. Because of so slight texture differences in the samples, they were not distinguished by the panelists for hardness criteria.
Keywords:Minimal processing,
modified atmosphere packaging, pumpkin, pumpkin dessertJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 149-154
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