Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Effect of osmotic dehydration on the freeze drying kinetics of apricots
Djamel Fahloul 1*,
Miloud Lahbari 2, Houcine Benmoussa 2, Samir Mezdour 3Recieved Date: 2009-01-22, Accepted Date: 2009-04-14
Abstract:In this work, the influence of osmotic dehydration on freeze drying of apricots was investigated. Osmotic dehydration of apricots was carried out in two solutions (sucrose and date) at two different concentrations (30 and 50% w/w). Product quality was investigated using the following criteria: drying time, vitamin C and total sugars. Results showed that osmotic dehydration in date solution (30% w/w) gave the shortest drying time (3 h) and the best freeze drying kinetics. The vitamin C loss was 14% during osmotic dehydration and 7% during freeze drying. Total sugars increased by 57% during osmotic dehydration and 8% during freeze drying. Seven models were fitted to the experimental data. The best models were the following: Page model for apricots treated with date solution, Wang and Singh model for apricots treated with sucrose solution, and Verma et al. model for apricots without osmotic dehydration.
Keywords:Osmotic dehydration,
freeze drying, kinetics, dried apricots, sugars, date, concentration, quality, vitamin C, food enrichment, modellingJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 117-121
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