Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Physicochemical and pasting characterisation of water yam (Dioscorea spp.) and relationship with eating quality of pounded yam
F. D. Baah 1*,
B. Maziya-Dixon 2, R. Asiedu 2, I. Oduro 1, W. O. Ellis 1Recieved Date: 2009-01-04, Accepted Date: 2009-03-16
Abstract:Food quality improvement of D. alata for diverse uses is imperative due to its good agronomic flexibilities. The relationship between physico-chemical and pasting characteristics of 15 D. alata varieties and eating quality of pounded yam (the most popular food from yam) was studied in comparison to a control variety. The test varieties had lower starch content (68.3%), swelling power (9.9), peak viscosity (283.9 RVU), trough (221.5 RVU), breakdown (20.2 RVU), final viscosity (283.9 RVU) and setback (62.4 RVU) but higher sugar (5.4%), solubility (11.9%), peak time (6.3 minutes) and pasting temperature (89.2oC) than the control variety. Multiple comparison sensory tests by a trained panel showed poor quality of pounded yam from test varieties relative to the control, however, TDa 98-159 and TDa 291 compared well with the control. Significant relationships existed between the quality of pounded yam and physicochemical/pasting characteristics. Little improvement of promising varieties will enhance D. alata market value for the preparation of pounded yam.
Keywords:Physicochemical properties,
pasting, water yam, eating qualities, pounded yamJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 107-112
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