Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Biplot analysis of genotype by environment interaction of cowpea grain yield in the forest and southern guinea savanna agro-ecologies of Nigeria
S. R. Akande
Recieved Date: 2006-09-03, Accepted Date: 2007-06-30
Abstract:Grain yield and number of days to 50% flowering of nine cowpea varieties were assessed in four locations within the forest and southern guinea savanna agro-ecologies of Nigeria. The nine cowpea varieties comprised two local and seven improved varieties. Average number of days to 50% flowering varied from 39 to 45 days with the two local varieties being early flowering. Mean grain yields ranged between 875.22 and 1292.95 kg/ ha. With GGE biplot analysis, location was responsible for 77.84% of the total variation due to genotype, location and genotype x location interaction. Five cowpea varieties were identified to be stable in grain production across locations. Although IT90K-277-2 had the highest grain yield with near zero PC2 score, Ife BPC had the largest PC1 score. Suitable location specific varieties were also identified. Similarly, the highest grain yields were recorded at Ballah (southern guinea savanna) but Ilora (derived savanna) was the ideal test site as it was more discriminating among the varieties and more representative of an average environment. The poorest grain yield was recorded at Ile Ife (forest). The implications of these findings were discussed.
genotype x environment interaction, grain yield, maturity, Nigeria, Vigna unguiculataJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2007
Volume: 5
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 464-467
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