Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Changes in antioxidant activity of cherry fruits and grapes during freezing
Elena Vasylyshyna
Recieved Date: 2017-01-12, Accepted Date: 2017-03-28
Abstract:Studies conducted over the years 2015-2016 with the fruits of cherry variety Shpanka and grapes variety Moldova. Preparation of fruit included sorting, inspection, washing, holding 30 min in solutions of 20% sugar and ascorutin 4% or 20% of the sugar with the addition of 1% chitosan, removing moisture, freezing at -24°C, packing in plastic bags of 0.5 kg and storage at -18°C and by taking control of untreated cherries and grapes packed in plastic bags. The total content of soluble dry matter in fresh cherries was 16.1% and in grapes 16.4%, content of tanning and coloring substances was 0.65% in cherries and in grapes 0.3%. After six months of storage in the frozen state dry soluble substances in processed cherries and grapes increased 2.5 and 24% compared with controls. Content of tanning and coloring substances remained unchanged to the end of storage, compared with the control and were 0.51-0.65% in cherries and 0.3-0.34% in grapes. The loss of phenolic compounds in cherries after six months of freezing was 20-50%.The smallest leakage tanning and coloring agents and ascorbic acid were for fruits, processed 20% solution of sugar with the addition of 1% chitosan. The antioxidant activity correlated with the content of tannins and coloring substances, regardless of the ascorbic acid content.
Keywords:Tanning and coloring substances,
ascorbic acid, antioxidant activity, frozen fruitJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2017
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 52-54
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