27th Spring Symposium of LUOVA
Date: 2018-03-05 - 2018-03-07
The registration is now open for the 27th Spring Symposium of LUOVA Doctoral Programme organised on 5th-7th March 2017.
All doctoral students of the YEB doctoral school are warmly welcome to give a talk at the symposium (priority will be given to LUOVA students). Master's students are encouraged to present their study as a poster. Students can also earn credits by listening to talks and writing a learning diary. We are hoping many researchers to participate as well and to give valuable feedback for the talks and posters.
This year we are also running a Poster Drop-in Clinic, where you can get some advice on how to design your poster from scratch. This event will be on February 14th from 2-5pm, Bio3 in room 5405.
Registration is needed only if you wish to present your work as a talk or a poster, or if you wish to take part in the Grande Finale or the Symposium’s dinner - if you are going to write a learning diary or just enjoy other people's presentations, you are welcome to join without registration.
This is a perfect opportunity to practice giving international conference presentations in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, and you will also get feedback from our keynote speakers and the rest of the audience! It is also worth mentioning that the best oral and poster presentations evaluated by the keynote speakers will be awarded in the Grande Finale at the Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden.
The keynote talks are given and student presentations evaluated by Dr Manuela Gonzalez-Suarez (University of Reading), Dr Simon Henry Martin (University of Cambridge) and Dr Hugo Rebelo (University of Porto).
For registration and abstract submission please visit https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/86012/lomake.html
and for further information, please visit
Registration will be open until 9th February.
Best regards, Spring Symposium 2018 Organising Committee