Food Technology and Quality Evaluation
Ramdane Dris PhD., Arun Sharma PhD.
Category: Food
Horticulture food crops constitute a significant component of the world agriculture. Among several examples, fruit and vegetable components determine the quality of our diet. These commodities are a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, protective antioxidants and dietary fiber. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are some times referred to as protective foods. The book contains a great amount of information addressing different issues related to crop science and technology with its broad aspects. The attempts to prolong and preserve the freshlike attributes of horticultural food crops date back to historic times. This fact, has been very interestingly brought forward in this book, in an article authored by Chinese scientists. The book also contains a number of articles with valuable information on the application of recent techniques and development of methodologies. The present book describes the impact of environmental factors on food crop quality, including handling parameters, quality evaluation, CA and MAP storage conditions, worldwide. A few articles contain frontline research and development in this area. Though only a few horticultural commodities have been included, the book covers the entire spectra of activities in the area of fruits and vegetables and few other plant products such as medicinal plants, production, yield, and quality assessment. This book should equally interest both researchers and lay persons .
- Influence of field conditions and handling operations of fruit quality
Ramdane Dris
- Development and prospects for fruit and vegetable storage and transport industry in China
Zhang Xuejie
- Biochemistry and molecular biology of papaya fruit softening during ripening
Zainon Mohd Ali, Soh Chin-Pin and Hamid Lazan
- Quality maintenance of apples after harvest
Ramdane Dris
- Improving control of storage regimens using a computer-based control system
Dan Black
- Influence of storage conditions on quality performance on mamey amarillo fruits
J.E. Manzano- Mendez
- Quality changes in sweet corn (Zea mays L. ssp. saccharata) cv. Trophy F1 under various storage conditions
Maria Gaweda and Jan Michal Ben
- Prolonging the shelf life of apples by modified atmosphere packaging
Mirja Mokkila, Tuija Lyijynen, Ari Pipatti, Arto Ylämäki and Risto Tahvonen
- Shelf life of minimally-processed fruits and vegetables
Leeni Leis and Ramdane Dris
- Postharvest handling of pineapple
R. Corona and J.E. Manzano- Mendez
- Postharvest quality of red currant
- Krivorot and R. Dris
- Impact of postharvest conditions on processing quality of potato
S. Sirtautaite, R. Dris and R. Niskanen
- Nondestructive determination of soluble solids in horticultural crops by near-infrared spectroscopy
Hidekazu Ito
- Controlling of enzymatic browning in processing of fruits and vegetables
Zhang Jingfang
- Relation between water-soluble and total Ca content and bitter pit occurance in ‘Idared’ apple
Nikola Pavicic, Tomislav Cosic, Ivo Pavlovic and Tomislav Jemric
- Controlled atmosphere temperature treatment system (CATTS)
Dan Black
- Relations between mineral element contents in ‘Jonica’ apples and their liability to physiological disorders during storage
Jan Michal Ben and Maria Gaweda
- Quality of commercialized oregano (Oreganum vulgare L.) in Argentina
Jorge Ringuelet, Roberto Barreyro, Mari Silvina and Natalia Morales
- Effect of saline water irrigation and storage temperature on sensory evaluation of tomato fruits
Juan E. Manzano and Josè A. Salas
- Influence of controlled atmosphere storage on apple quality
Miodrag Janković and Snezana Mašović
- Suitability of frozen raspberry cultivars for puree
Solvita Kampuse and Kaspars Kampuss
- Improved cold storage of vegetables by treatment with microbiological cultures
V. Kolodyaznaya, N. Smirnova, N. Samusenko and K. Fikiin
- Biochemical and physico-chemical characteristics of dehydrofrozen and frozen sweet pepper
V. Kolodyaznaya, K. Lebedeva, K. Fikiin and T. Filatova
- Postharvest storage improvement in pineapples by irradiation
G. J. Sharma
- Extension of shelf life of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) by using gamma radiation
S. Gautam and Arun Sharma
- Potential use of plant extracts to reduce postharvest fungal rots of fruits and vegetables
Silvia Bautista- Baños, Laura L. Barrera- Necha, Erika García Dominguez and Mónica Hernández- López
- Evaluation of the behaviour of two redcurrant variaties (Ribes rubum L.)
Gustavo Vater, Miriam E. Arena and María José Ces
- New Romanian apricot variaties
Balan Viorica, Fouillet Valérie, Darnaud Alexandre and Clareton Marie
- Fruit juice quality evaluation according to anionic profile determined by capillary isotachophoresis
Milan Suhaj and Juraj Jezek
- Chemical composition and storability of cranberry
R. Daubaras, D. Budriuniene, L. Chesoniene, S. Rimkiene and P. Viskelis
- Biochemical composition of Sorbus fruits and its change during ripening
Bronislovas Gelvonauskis and Pranas Viskelis
- Radical scavenging and antioxidant activity of various plants grown in Lithuania
Rasa Bauzaite, Petras Rimantas Venskutonis, Dainora Gruzdiene, Dace Tirzite and Gunars Tirzitis
- Antioxidant constituents in Moldavian dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) extracts
Vitalija Povilaitytë, Petras Rimantas Venskutonis, Marie- Elizabeth Cuvelier and Claudette Berset
- Application of plant extracts and synthetic antioxidants for raspseed oil stabilization
R. Kazernaviciutë, R.P. Venskutonis and D. Gruzdiene
- Extraction of aromatic and medicinal plants with supercritical carbon dioxide
G. Miliauskas, P.R. Venskutonis and B. Sivik
- Physiology of red bayberry during preharvest and harvest time
Wang Xiangyang, Li Jianrong, Lian Xinghui and Den Gan
- Current trends in postharvest technology
Daryl C. Joyce
- Injury of red bayberry during storage and transportation
Xiangyang Wang, Jianrong Li, Daryl C. Joyce, Xinhui Yang
- Development of irradiation system to enhance postharvest quality of vegetables
Ramdane Dris
- Influence of chilling injury on horticultural commodities
Ramdane Dris
- Storage technology to improve fruit and vegetable quality performance
Ramdane Dris
- Harvest season changes the textural and compositional quality of long-term harvested green asparagus from mother stalk culture
Pankaj Kumar Bhowmik and Toshiyuki Matsui
- Influence of intermittent warming treatments on postharvest quality of arazá fruit (Eugenia stipitata McVaugh)
M.S. Hernández, O. Martínez, H.E. Arjona and J.P. Fernández- Trujillo
Number of chapters: 43
Length of the book: 273 pages
Book size: C5
Book Weight: 679 g
Photos: Color, white & black
Book cover: Hard cover
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