Postharvest Performance Of Apples Grown In The Åland Islands 1993 - 1995 With Refference To Preharvest Calcium Treatments
Crops: Growth, Quality and Biotechnology
Ålandska Äppelodlingars Växtnäringshalt 1993-1995
Efterskördskvalitet hos äpplen odlade på Åland 1993-1995 efter kalciumbehandling före skörd
Hedelmän-ja marjanviljelyyn soveltuvan sijoituslannoitus-menetelmän kehittäminen
Leaf Macronutrient Composition in Relation to Growth and Yield Potential of Currants
Effect of preharvest calcium treatments on postharvest quality of apples grown in Finland
Nutritional status of apple orchards in the Åland Islands
Nutritional status of outdoor vegetables, and effect of calcium treatments
Vegetables: Growing Environment and Mineral Nutrition
Fruits: Growth, Nutrition and Quality