Plant Nutrition – Growth and Diagnosis Current Status and Future Prospects
Ramdane Dris PhD., Farouk Hassan Abdelaziz PhD., Shri Mohan Jain PhD.
Category: Plant
The book contains papers presented at workshop on the Influence of Environment on Growth, Production, Physiology and Disease of Crops which was held at the University of Helsinki, Finland, December 2000. Articles were selected for inclusion in the book after a process of peer-review and evolution by an editorial board. The main focus of this book is to deliver knowledge-based management tools. The use of recent methods or advanced techniques should make the information more meaningful to scientists and other readers and allow them to apply techniques to a wider range of crops. The manuscripts of this book address interactions between growth, mineral nutrition and quality performance for a wide variety of crops. Many scientists from different countries shared in this work, and the papers selected include such topics as plant nutrition, prognosis and fertilization regime and situation of chemical input on some food crops grown under different climatic conditions
- Influence of mineral nutrition on yield and quality of apples
R. Dris
- Uptake of N, P, K and Ca by onion plants (Allium cepa L.)
R. Pire, H. Ramírez, J. Riera and N. Gómez
- Influence of crop residue compost and nitrogenous fertilizer on growth, nutrient uptake and fruit yield of tomato
A.O. Togun and W.B. Akanbi
- Sweet cherry fruit cracking as a result of different modes of calcium application
P. Wójcik, H. Morgas and W. Treder
- Evaluation of nutritional status of different strawberry variaties
R. Niskanen and R. Dris
- Effect of mineral composition on quality changes in lettuce
R. Dris
- Influence of mineral composition on storability of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
R Dris
- Mineral composition and its impact on quality of onions (Allium cepa L.)
R. Dris
- Effect of fertilization on yield and postharvest quality of vegetables
Strokša, I. Buike, R. Dris and R. Niskanen
- Impact of nitrogen and calcium availability on apple quality
R. Dris
- Effect of fruit nutrient content and storage conditions on quality and storability of apple
R. Dris
- Impact of nitrogen nutrition on yield and quality of bean
S. Brkic, Z. Milakovic, N. Paradikovic, M. Rastija, R. Dris and R. Niskanen
- Cytokinins and potato productivity
E.S. Ronzhina
- Response of ‘Ewaise’ mango trees to application of some slow-release nitrogenous fertilizers
F.F. Ahmed, M.H. Morsy and A. El-Hameed M. Ahmed
- Crop management and sustainable production
R. Dris
- Influence of Lactofol on quality of pepper seed after storage
N. Panayutou
- Relationship between nutrient content of soil, leaves and trunk circumference of apricot grown on sandy soils
- Evaluation of chemical quality in fruit during maturation of soursop (Annona muricataL.)
H. J. Holschuh, M.A. da S. Vasconcelos, N. Narain and P.S. Bora
- Red beet as bioindicator of urban soil pollution by heavy metals
R. Gaj, W. Grzebisz and J. Potarzycki
- Fertilization of apple trees on Shandong province of China
W. Ma. and F. Zhang
- Nitrate levels in vegetables grown in Lithuania and factors influencing their accumulation
G. Staugaitis and R. Dris
- Effect of nitrogenous fertilizers on yield and chemical composition of thyme
E. Dambrauskiene, P. Viskelis and R. Venskutonis
- Influence of nitrogenous fertilizers on onion yield, quality and storability
- Cizauskas and P. Viskelis
- Ecological and agronomical aspects of associative nitrogen fixation in vegetable growing
E.N. Volkova and T.E. Iljina
- Apricot nutritional imbalances as determined by foliar diagnosis and Dris norms
F.A. Fawzi, A.A. El-Sayed and M.M. El-Fouly
- Influence of selenium in nature and human diet
R. Dris
- Mineral nutrition of fruits
R. Dris
- Interactions of orchard factors and phosphorus nutrition on quality of pome fruits
R. Dris
- Effect of copper nutrition in commercial apple orchards
R. Dris
- Role of iron nutrition in commercial apple orchards
R. Dris
- Interaction of nutrition and environment on manganese status in apple orchards
R. Dris
- Influence of potassium nutrition in commercial apple orchards
R. Dris
- Magnesium nutrition in apple orchards
R. Dris
- Studies on the influence of spraying some nutrients and ascorbic acid on inflorecence malformation and fruiting of ‘Taimour’ mangos
F.F. Ahmed, A.H.M. Ahmed and M.H. Morsy
- Attempt at producing Egyptian lime fruits year round by fruit thinning using NAA
F.F. Ahmed, M.M. Morsy and T.A. Ebrahiem
- Effect of phenyl urea cytokinin on yield, berry development, maturity and fruit quality of Flame vines
F.F. Ahmed, F.H. Abdel-Aziz and A.H. M Abdel- Hady
- Trace elements and heavy metal contents of fruits and vegetables in the environs of Gediz river
M. Secer, A. Bodur, Ö. L. Elmaci and S. Delibacak
- Nitrogen metabolism in roots and leaves of green bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike) under nitrogen deficiency
Esteban Sánchez, Luis R. López- Lefebre, Pablo C. García, Rosa M. Rivero, Juan M. Ruiz and Luis Romero
- Irrigation capacity and prospects for developing crop production in Algeria
Mellah Houria
- Mineral composition of carrot (Daucus carota L.)
R. Dris
- Role of farmyard manure in integrated nutrient management in Indian soils for sustainable crop production
J.K. Saha
- Influence of zinc nutrition in apple orchards
Ramdane Dris
- Influence of calcium on calcium deficiency related disorders in vegetables
Margit Kleeman
Number of chapters: 43
Length of the book: 313 pages
Book size: C5
Book Weight: 751 g
Photos: White & black
Book cover: Hard cover
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