Message from Editor - JFAE
Research on agriculture and food has progressed and moving towards an interdisciplinary study of sustainable food production to meet the demands of growing human populations. However, as industrialization and urbanization is increasing, there is an increase in air and water pollution, soil contamination, depletion of the ozone layer, and climatic change. The unlawful and environmental unfriendly use of land and undue exploitation of natural resources for the enhancement food production have robbed us of our balanced environment and ecosystem which has inadvertently affected both human and animal life. This complex scenario has posed a great challenge to researchers to develop and test more appropriate technologies for sustainable agricultural development. Currently, research is being carried out to overcome the problems of environmental stresses, minimizing use the of pesticides, reducing post-harvest storage losses and exploring nutrition, animal science and human nutrition, by using conventional new technologies such as biotechnology, mutation-assisted breeding and molecular biology.
The Journal of Food, Agriculture, and Environment (JFAE) is dedicated to meeting the need for a new journal that can encompass this wide range of topics in an interdisciplinary approach. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research, protocols, critical reviews or short communications on the three closely interdependent areas and is a unique attempt on interdisciplinary studies that explore the intersection of food, agriculture and environment.
Authors are invited to provide the scientific community with information about recent scientific findings on some key subjects areas. This will help scientists to get first-hand information with ongoing research projects. We encourage researchers, students or scientists to publish well-written manuscripts including recent findings (writing instructions).
-WFL Publisher's Journal(s) only comes in an electronic format.
Electronic ISSN of JFAE: 1459-0263 (From 2015 the printed version of the journal is stopped)