Reviewer's Guide about Books
Responsibilities of Author
The Author must send his or her electronic book / book chapter or related material to at least two to three external reviewers and experts in the same field of the study (we need details of the reviewers). Keep close contact with the reviewers and implement all requested corrections on your electronic book / book chapter or related material before the final submission.
Note that inadequately or incorrectly prepared book / book chapter or related material will be rejected. For non-native English authors, let a minimum of two native English scientists or three language specialists crosscheck your book / book chapter or related material.
Download the reviewer’s comment form here
Reviewer Application
Reviewers’ checklist
Details about the reviewer/Author
Reviewer’s name:
Field of expertise:
Author’s name:
General comment about the content:
Data and the statistical analysis:
Results and discussion:
Please rate the following:(1 = Excellent) (2 = Good) (3 = Fair) (4 = poor)
The English language
Well written
Clear text
Badly written
Unclear text
Accept as it is:
Require minor corrections (specify):
Requires moderate revision (specify):
Requires major revision (specify):
Doubts on ground of (specify)
Reject on grounds of (specify):
Additional comments
Please add any additional comments (Including comments or suggestions):
Guidelines For Reviewers
Your role as a reviewer is very essential, as you validate the electronic book / book chapter or related material and consequently the book. It is therefore essential for reviewers to be critical, impartial, and constructive and aim at producing high quality book / book chapter or related material for the scientific community and the general public. To achieve these ideals, reviewers are advised to read the guidelines below to aid them in their work. Please use other resources available to you as well.
Ethics, time and capabilities
Reviewers should consider ethical issues of scientific publication: plagiarism, fraud, dual submission or publication, conflicts of interest, incomplete or missing references etc.
Reviewers should treat all book / book chapter or related material with strict confidentiality: please do not use unpublished data or the privileged knowledge obtained from the book for interaction or discussions anywhere or on any forum or platform before publication of the book / book chapter or related material.
Reviewers should not exploit the data or contents of the book in any way for personal gain.
Please allocate adequate time to review the electronic book / book chapter and work within the stipulated deadline to avoid delays in publication.
Ensure that the electronic book / book chapter or related material is within your experience and expertise.
Conducting the Review
General comments: Please read the guiding questions under each part to help you evaluate the book / book chapter or related material thoroughly.
Structure of the book: check whether it contains all the parts required.
Introduction: Does it state clearly the problem under investigation and include a summary .If it is an experiment, is the hypothesis (es) stated clearly? And the experimental design mentioned?
Experimental: Is the data collection process well described? Is the experimental design suitable for solving the problem stated? Is the information given sufficient for repetition of the research? Have the methods been chronologically presented? If new methods are used, are they sufficiently described in detail? Have the equipment, reagents, materials used been described? Were the measurements taken precise?
Statistical analysis: Are the statistics used correct or suitable? Are the errors described correctly?
Results and discussion: Was the data presented clearly with tables or illustrations? If illustrations were used, are they reflective of the data and do they explain the work better than tables? Were the results logically presented and was the interpretation of the results or discussion correct? Was the discussion related to the expectation of the research or previous research work?
Conclusions: Are they clear and founded on the main conclusions of the investigation?
General view of the book / book chapter or related material
Originality: look out for novelty of the ideas presented, and any additions to knowledge in the area.
English Language: Is the book / book chapter or related material well written, clear, without grammatical and typographical errors? Or is it badly written ambiguous and full of errors?
Please give a clear recommendation, as to whether to accept, modify or reject the book / book chapter or related material.
Provide explanation and justification for your recommendation or criticism.
Be fair, strict and polite in your recommendation or criticism, please state clearly if your comments are reflective of the data or your own opinion.
Be specific when commenting on any part of the book / book chapter or related material.