Publish your Book

WFL Publisher aims to help you acquire scientific or professional materials such as manuscripts, books, magazines, booklets, dissertations and reports. Our objective is to make your work available to a wider audience. We are committed to providing top quality in terms of speed and accuracy. 

We invite scientists and experts to submit a book proposal(s) or related materials. Books should be tight-knit structured, very focused and of high-level (research and development level). You may send details on the topics listed below in two pages, by email or airmail.


  • Aims and scope of the book
  • Chapter titles & proposed contents
  • List of contributors
  • Proposed time-frame 

Once the book proposal is accepted, the editor (editor and or authors / co-authors) will be asked to pay the printing costs in order to speed the publication process. The editor or authors should thoroughly follow the writing instructions (here) and double check, the content of the book before the final submission. All authors and co-authors should submit a copyright form allowing the publication of their book / magazine / booklet / dissertation with WFL Publisher Ltd. WFL Publisher will sign a contract with the book editor before starting the work. 

The editor(s) of the book or any related material would receive a galley proof for a quick check before the final print. We will send copies of the book to the editor by surface mail. Co-authors will also get free copies. The editor or co-authors may recommend the book or related materials to some libraries, institutions, colleagues or experts. 
After receiving the final and correct format of all chapters and the copyright forms from all authors and co-authors, WFL Publisher guarantees that your book will be available in less than a year. WFL Publisher will sign a contract with the book editor before starting the work. You may read about our new books (here). 

Looking forward to reading your book plan.

Book Submission Form